EJ Raymond

Actor * Writer


“A Love Divided” (Short Film 2014).
Directed by Ian Bustard
EJ Raymond AKA Terry The Tattooist

“Perfume” (Short Film 2016).
Written by Ian Bustard & Directed By Sophie Wilkinson.
EJ Raymond AKA “Actress.”

Chasing Indentities (2018) - BLOOPERS!

“Chasing Indentities” (Short Film, 2018)
Directed & Written by Connor Bryson.
EJ Raymond AKA Valerie.

“What?”, a comedy by EJ and Zack Raymond - the perfect short bedtime story.
Created film by EJ Raymond
Captioned editing by Felix Gilfedder, Solar Bear’s Solar Snaps.

Deafinitely Theatre’s “Talking Hands” shorts film - watch all of five short films here. (2021-2022)

Lockdown Hairy, written and performed by EJ Raymond, presents the story of a deaf single parent faced with an unexpected opportunity to reflect on their life during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Charming, playful and surprising, this Talking Hands monologue gives a brave insight into parenting, accessibility and gender identity.

Director: Paula Garfield
Writer & Performer: EJ Raymond

“Smoking Kills!” (2017)

Rab and Mac, "the carpenters", tries to impressive Madam how hard working they did with her new carpet in her living room. But, on their break, they realised that they've made a mistake and wants to cover up before Madam to turns up. However, will they realised HOW MUCH masive mistake they have done with themselves?

Supported by Royal Conservatoire of Scotland's Script to Screen course.
Directed & Written by EJ Raymond
Camera - Alia-Lauren Clain
Editing - Jessica Pezet
Casts: Moira Anna McAuslan, Craig McCulloch and Connor Byrson.


Soon… (Homemade Short Film, 2019).

Mum and Son are very grief when sad news has come.
Directed, Written & Edited by EJ Raymond.
Casts: EJ Raymond (“Mum”) & Zack Raymond (“Son”).

The Hare & The Tortoise - Visual storytelling (April 2020)

Childhood story about the race between the hare and the tortoise. Who do you think will be the winner?
Storyteller by EJ Raymond

The sequel of “The Hare and The Tortoise - Rematch!” Visual storytelling (April 2020)

The hare wants a rematch. So both the hare and the tortoise start the race. Who do you think will be the winner, at this time?
Created & Storyteller by EJ Raymond

A Boy and The Airplanes
BSL storytelling (April 2020)

Throughout the World War I, a little boy and his obsesses with the airplanes - he knew at every each of the planes’ names. However, He went out for a ride and witnessed what he has saw which to confused him. All he wanted is to see his father again… will he?

Wrote by (2015) & storyteller by EJ Raymond

Social Distance (2020)
Short Comedy Film

This person bought a new small book called “Social Distance” - Did it help this person to be aware on what to do?

Joke by Maggie Kinloch
Actor/Filmmaker/Co-cameraperson/Editing - EJ Raymond
Co-cameraperson - Zack Raymond

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